Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trick or Treating & Play dates!!

So Rylan's first Halloween was a successful one. Although he wanted nothing to do with his costume, I was able to get a few good shots of him

He did, however enjoy the candy..


So yesterday, Rylan had his very first play date! Lauren & Dylan came over for a visit & to pick up some of Rylan's clothes he didn't fit into anymore. The 2 of them were beyond adorable together. As Dylan was pooping, Rylan was burping. It was like they were having their very own bodily function contest. Before they left, of course Lauren & I had to get pictures of them together. 

Total best buds for life.. Can't wait to do it again! 


Anonymous said...

cute little guys, in a year or so they will be running all over! Gmom

Wildefrost said...
