Saturday, October 16, 2010

First Family Restaurant Outing!

So last night, Chris & I decided to be adventurous and take Rylan to a restaurant. He seemed like he was in a good mood at the time. So we drove to Bertucci's in Waterbury and decided to visit some old friends. Chris was SO nervous to bring him.. he didn't want to be "those people" who had a tiny baby in a restaurant who cried during the entire meal... I told him we couldn't shelter the kid forever and we just had to suck it up and try it out.

So we get to our table.. and mind you, it would have been a hell of a lot easier if Rylan could sit in a highchair... We had no idea what to do with him! He didn't want to sit in his car seat.. so the best we could do, was hold him on our lap and switch on & off so the other could eat. He definitely got fussy.. but it was nothing a bottle couldn't handle.

Overall, I would say it was a decent experience.. It was our first time so now we know what to expect & what to do.. I think we'll try this out again when he has a little more head & neck support and might be able to sit in a highchair... We'll see. 

 He definitely eyed this pizza like nobody's business..
 I would say it's almost time to try cereal & baby food!
Hi Mom!!


Anonymous said...

it was such fun! soon he can bring cheerios

Jessica said...

yes it was!

Anonymous said...

Just keep bringing him and he will learn how to behave in a restaurant. You don't want him to be one of those kids who has never done anything so he doesn't know what to do.He will be fine. mom