Thursday, October 21, 2010

Apple picking & more!

I realize I'm way behind and I apologize! I meant to blog last Saturday after we all went apple & pumpkin picking. Rylan was actually awake & alert the entire time.. unlike last time we went, he wanted nothing to do with anything. He even helped pick apples & held one for a little while.. (Yes I realize he's 3 months old, but he did it!) 

So, in other news.. for the past few weeks, Chris & I have been trying to get Rylan to roll over. He's almost 4 months and I know that's one of the few milestones when you hit that age group. He's so active with his legs, I knew it would happen soon..

Tuesday night after his bath, I hear Chris yelling "Why hasn't he ever worn these?" and I knew exactly what he was talking about. When I went to FL with my mom in February, I had found Juicy Couture boys shoes at TJMaxx. I wasn't planning on taking them out of the box.. they were more kind of like display shoes (I'm crazy I know).. so when he said that I knew EXACTLY what he was talking about. Sure enough, I go upstairs and there's Rylan on his changing table in nothing but a diaper and his Juicy shoes. I will admit, I did yell at Chris for opening them. lol. Rylan seemed to love them.. They are very shiny and blue.

So we put him on the floor so he could flail his legs around and slowly he started to roll over to his side but then he would get stuck so he would roll back. Just for fun, we got the video camera ready because it was so funny and he was having such a good time.

We ended up taking 2 videos (These did not end up on facebook).. So just for fun, I kept the camera rolling while Rylan kicked up a storm and all of a sudden out of NOWHERE, Rylan rolled over! 

The best part was we have all the events leading up to it on video.. I know some people would kill to have that moment saved. And you knew he had never done it before based on our reactions at the end. We both pretty much screamed and were laughing so hard we had tears streaming down our face.

The first thing I did was call my mom.. even though it was 9:30 at night I needed to tell someone!!

And he's been rolling over ever since.. and getting better at.. he had some issues with getting his arm unstuck but that's normal...

Here it is!!!

So proud of him! 


Anonymous said...

that was the cutest thing I have ever seen! I wasn't sure I would see it in person bet as soon as I saw him the next day he rolled over for me. Such a talented boy. How do you save videos for the future> I hope you can store it somewhere. Love him

Anonymous said...

Rocco must watch that video a hundred times a day and he laughs every time. It is the cutest video from the cutest baby. We love him!!!

Lauren said...

That is so awesome!!!!!!